
I love The Slow


I love the slow….

As in the slow we feel.

In the slow time stops.

In the slow is the subtle.

In the slow is presence.

In the slow is appreciation.

In the slow is awareness.

In the slow our hearts open.

In the slow our bodies open.

In the slow we come to life.

I love the slow...


I love walking slowly.

Watching the sunset moment by moment.

I love slowly knowing you, as we share our words, our thoughts.

I love slowly knowing life through watching, learning, seeing, hearing, feeling, sensing, being.


I love slowly going deeper into myself, revealing the pathways that take me inwards.

I love sitting in slow silence with myself.

I love feeling the intimacy with life in that space, the oneness that reveals itself to me.


I love healing slowly, with gentleness, with kindness to myself.

I love releasing, opening, softening in the time it needs, the time my body needs, the time my heart needs.

I love slowly receiving myself, meeting myself.

I love the joy of being slowly arising within me, my awareness of it opening as my inner being becomes clearer.


In slowness there's a knowing.

In slowness there is strength, substance.

Slowness nourishes.

Slowness deepens, expands.

Slowness is where I hear my heart, where I hear the wisdom within myself.



I love slow coffee and slow eating. Slow walking and slow kissing.

I love slow breaths, especially lying down with you, your breath in rhythm with mine.

I love how we melt into each other in that slow space.


I love your eyes moving slowly over my body, so you see me. You see my curves, my valleys, my plains. You see everything when you look slowly.

And I see you, all of you. I see the shape of you in the world.

I love slow touch, oh yes I do!

I love the texture of your skin, your body.

I love the contours of you.

I love exploring you slowly so that I feel you, the warmth of you, the soft of you, the hard of you.

I love knowing you.

I love slowly understanding the layers of you.

I love slowly knowing the scent, the sound of you.

I love looking into your eyes in that moment and seeing you, seeing all of you.


Slowly we feel the waves that build inside of us, waves that mix, merge, subside, to rise again.

Slowly we feel the subtlety, the nuance.

Slowly our skins merge into one being.

Slowly the fire burns.

Slowly our breath deepens, as you breathe into me, me into you, as we breathe each other.






Corina Nedelcu